Christmas fireplace might become the key spot in your house during this wonderful holiday. Many people prefer to install their Christmas trees and hang stockings and decorations and place gift baskets in front of a fireplace as it makes their home look not only Christmassy but also much cozier. Those who have a fireplace in their house are especially lucky because they can decorate it and experience the Christmas spirit to the greatest extent. Also, don't forget about outdoor Christmas decorations, your house has to look perfect this holiday!


Fireplace Decoration with Candles

Which Christmas fireplace decoration theme do you love the most?

Anonymous quiz

  • Traditional Elegance
  • Winter Wonderland
  • Rustic Cabin Vibes
  • Whimsical Colors and Lights
  • Classic White and Gold

Vote to see results

Which Christmas fireplace decoration theme do you love the most?

Traditional Elegance
Winter Wonderland
Rustic Cabin Vibes
Whimsical Colors and Lights
Classic White and Gold
Voted : 16


Vintage Christmas Fireplace Decorations

If you want your holidays to hold that particular spirit of the past, then vintage decoration you should think about. With all these old-fashioned banners and candles, you may achieve the look in no time.

Christmas Fireplace Decorations With Lettering

Christmas Fireplace Decoration

There are so many joyous things that Christmas brings into every house. Make sure nothing is left out when you are decorating your fireplace with holiday lettering!


Natural Fireplace Decorations With Wood

Beautiful women tend to have the most exceptional taste, be it décor, cuisine, or men. Ribbons, garland, posters and holiday colors – pick anything you like and combine it in the way you wish. Show your creativity, and our ideas can guide you!

Fireplace Decorations With Led Garlands

There are some traditional ways to decorate your fireplace when the holidays come. However, aside from regular Christmas lights and socks, we suggest you add some candles to the picture.


Fireplace Decorations In Neutral Colors


Not always classic Christmas colors suit your taste and interior. That is why we suggest to your attention the way you can introduce some neutral shades into your holiday fireplace décor.

Your dining room will become the warmest and most welcoming place in your house when you decorate your fireplace. You will have the most precious moments in your life sitting in front of it and having dinner with your family and friends.

Traditional Colors For Christmas Decorations


Some people like to keep it traditional since Christmas is a family holiday and we have nothing against it. Besides, the traditional hues in the décor are the ones that you should better stick to!

Modern Fireplace Decorations


The fact is that you can go as far with your flow of imagination as you like if you are decorating your home according to the modern trend. We gathered a few ideas just to guide you in the right direction!


FAQ: Christmas Fireplace

How can I decorate without a mantle?

You can secure your stockings with command hooks above the fireplace. Attach some greenery or décor pieces (like bells or ornaments) straight on the stocking or add some artificial pine stems above them.
When you don’t have a mantel focus on decorating the space around your fireplace. Place some blankets and pillows around, use décor pieces like baskets or and other decor pieces like miniature Christmas trees, stacks of boxes or gifts.

How do you attach garland to a stone fireplace?

You can use removable hooks (white or clear) to attach garland to a stone fireplace. After you space them evenly above the mantel you can tie fishing wire around the garland. Lastly, tightly tie the other end of the fishing wire around the hooks which will create a draping effect for your garland.