Body neutrality is slowly but surely replacing such a popular movement as body positivity and no wonder. It promotes a healthier relationship with your body, based on acceptance of what you have without focusing on its appearance. As a result, it puts less strain on your psychological health and wellbeing. The vibe of this movement has become very relatable to people whose bodies are marginalized. To find out more about the concept and its difference from the body positive movement, make sure to check out our guide.


What Is Body Neutrality?

What is Body Neutrality?

So, what does neutrality mean? In short, it is body acceptance, meaning you accept and appreciate the body you have the way it is. While it implies realizing and acknowledging your body's capabilities, it also suggests that if it does not meet your expectations in terms of functioning, you should get on with it. The body neutrality definition is not linked to your body image. Your physical appearance is not important for the movement. What matters though is that our bodies are perceived as functional vessels. So, those whose bodies are marginalized find this body concept very resonating with them.


Body Neutrality VS Body Positivity

Body Neutrality VS Body Positivity

Now if we're talking bodies, there is another very popular movement that you might have heard of – the body positivity movement. Though, you should not confuse it with body neutrality. So essentially, what is body positivity? Its main idea is that regardless of the way your body looks, you should treat it with love and a positive attitude. Thus, it still takes the body to the center stage. Neutrality, in its turn, is not focused on your appearance. It claims that all that matters is your existence. Your body does not define you as a person. There is much more to your personality than your shell.

What’s The Psychology Behind Body Neutrality?

What’s The Psychology Behind Body Neutrality?

Once you define neutrality, it also makes sense to mention what it is based on. The concept questions the notion of self love through the prism of your body and its appearance. It encourages you to love, respect and value yourself without reference to the shape and size of your body. The feeling of happiness with your life should not be dependent on your content with your body. While you need to care for it, its physical condition should not affect your attitude. You should think of your body as a vehicle that delivers you to the desired destination.


How Is Fat Acceptance Related To Body Neutrality?

There are actually many body movement examples and some of them, such as fat acceptance, are making a lot of stir. Even though it has a strong connection to body neutrality definition of fat acceptance is a bit different. The aim of the movement is to encourage people to accept all fat bodies and treat them equally respectfully no matter their shape or size. Moreover, it insists that the word “fat” should be reclaimed so that it does not have a negative connotation. It does not leave room for fat and body hate or shaming.

How To Practice Body Neutrality?

How To Practice Body Neutrality?

Body neutrality can bring many benefits to your life, therefore it is a good idea to practice it yourself. So that it would be easier for you to begin, here is a guide to follow.


Self Talk

You should accept the idea that you will not feel body neutral overnight. At first, it may seem a bit unnatural and weird. The starting point for you at this stage is talking to yourself. You want to talk through the functionality of your body, acknowledging your both strong and weak sides. Though, keep in mind that you should not get upset by your weaknesses. Just accept them.


Sports and Body Neutrality

While physical activity is important for your body to be healthy and high functional, you should not force yourself to do it. Choose something that you find enjoyable, be it swimming, dancing or simply walking. You should not do it for the sake of weight loss, fat burning or body shape altering. Do it because it makes you feel happy, healthy and energetic.


Wondering how to eat neutral in relation to your body? It is easier than it sounds. When making your food choices, you should not focus on how they would affect your body in terms of weight and size. You should consider your gastronomic preferences and the way specific food makes you feel. Simply put, eat what you love and what your body will benefit from. Intuitive eating will work just fine in this case.



Outfits and Body Neutrality

The body neutrality concept is free from judgments of clothing choices regardless of a person's body size and shape. You can wear whatever you like and whatever gives you a feeling of comfort and body confidence. Do not go for trendy and daring clothing if it can make you feel a bit off. Aim for the golden mean when putting together your outfit.

Social Engagement

Socials can be fun. But they also may cause harm when taken too seriously. It is important to remember that on social media, people show what they want to show. Sometimes, the life they broadcast is far from reality. So, if it seems to you that someone lives their best life and this makes you feel unhappy or depressed, you should not follow them or check their profiles.

Body neutrality gives you more chances to build a healthy relationship with the body you have at the moment. Just a few simple changes in your lifestyle can make a world of difference to the quality of your life. Accept your body the way it is and it will pay you off.

FAQ: Body Neutrality

What’s wrong with body positivity?

Body positivity, like other social movements, is vulnerable to commodification. The most serious critique is based on health concerns. Many people fear that body positivity encourages obesity and excuses behaviors that prevent people from becoming or staying healthy, whether directed at the body-positive celebrity or society as a whole.

Why do men have no positivity?

Men are kept out of the body positivity debate since vulnerability is required for them to participate in the movement. That isn’t considered a ‘manly’ quality, so most men prefer not to talk about their insecurities.

Do guys have body image issues?

Male body image difficulties can arise as a result of childhood trauma such as bullying, sexual trauma or other forms of abuse. Furthermore, during the last year, a rise in disordered eating and male body image concerns has been linked to isolation and a lack of social and physical engagement.