Thinking about getting a septum piercing? Body piercings are more common and acceptable these days than they have been in the past. And septum piercings are among the post popular piercings right now. Read all you need to know about septum piercing to get ready for your body update!

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What is Septum Piercing?

It is important that you do not mix a regular nose piercing with a septum one. A piercing in your septum is one that goes through the section of flesh the nasal septum. The septum is the wall or cartilage that divides your nostrils. In most cases, the cartridge itself is not pierced. Usually, the piercing is done on the area between the bottom of the nose and the cartilage.

This type of piercing can either be done with a gun or a needle. However, a needle is a preferred method for all types of body piercings, according to experts. As for jewelry options for septum piercings, the most popular is a nose ring, while others prefer horseshoes, barbells curls, and even bars.

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What Is The History And Meaning Of Septum Piercings?

In Western cultures, they were a status symbol amongst male authority figures, medicine men and branding hunters. However, as used as a body piercing for women, they could either symbolism that a woman is of the marrying age. In other cultures, they could symbolize that a woman is married and thus unavailable.

So what is the septum nose ring meaning in today’s culture? Basically, it is either a fashion statement or a sign of rebellion against conservative beliefs. No matter how you look at it, septum rings are totally cool!

What Are The Risks Involved In Septum Piercing?

As with any type of body piercing, there are certain risks involved. However, with proper care and cleaning, many of these can be avoided. We shall discuss how to care for septum piercings later in this article.

  • Pain: As with any bodily piercing, there is an element of pain involved. After all, you are having a needle inserted into a tender area of your flesh to make a hole! However, once it has fully healed, it will be well worth it.
  • Infection: There is always a risk of contracting blood-borne illnesses such as hepatitis. These are usually associated with unclean or unsanitized needles or piercing guns. To avoid this risk, you should always have your piercings done by a reputable piercer that only uses single-use needles that have been properly sterilized. As far as infections after the piercings, this could be related to your body’s reaction to the type of jewelry or the piercing itself. This can be avoided by proper cleaning and after-care.
  • Nasal Septal Haematoma: A septum piercing can often cause nasal septal hematoma which occurs when the soft tissues of the septum affect the blood vessels. This then causes an accumulation of fluid and blood in the lining. This will often lead to difficulty breathing and nasal congestion, as well as pain and inflammation. If this occurs, seek immediate medical attention to prevent a hole from forming in the septum which can cause the septum to collapse, which is known as “saddle nose.”


Average Price of Septum

On average, septum piercings will range between $60 to $80. This also depends on the cost of the jewelry you choose for your piercing. Experts recommend sticking with something hypo-allergenic, usually something made with gold and titanium to prevent infection and allergic reactions.

Septum Piercing Jewelry

The beauty of septum piercing jewelry lies in the versatility of styles it enlists. You can choose a piece that reflects your personality perfectly. Anything on the scale, from delicate hoops to impressive designs with gems and other decorative elements. Moreover, you can play around with different materials such as silver, gold, stainless steel, and various colorful metal options. It is possible to capture either edgy, bohemian, elegant, or any other style with such a versatile piercing type. Keep in mind that you can choose the size and thickness of the jewelry, which makes septum piercing twice as universal and adaptable.


Pain Level

As far as pain in concerned, most liken the pain level of a septum piercing to that of a nostril piercing. Most people say they feel a shooting pain in which your eyes water and then it’s over. However, you might have lingering pain and sensitivity in your nose after and some people report having a mild to severe headache for an hour or two afterward. However, those with a deviated septum reported a higher instance of pain.

Aftercare For Septum Piercings

1. Daily cleaning

You may clean your piercing up to 2x daily. It is recommended to use antibacterial soap as opposed to Epsom salt or hydrogen peroxide.

  • Soak a cotton ball in water and gently wet the piercing.
  • Apply a few drops of antibacterial soap on your hand.
  • Work into a lather.
  • Apply this to the piercing.
  • Rotate the jewelry very gingerly so the soap enters the hole of the piercing.
  • Use a cotton ball to remove any crusting that may have built up.
  • Allow the antibacterial soap to sit for about 3 minutes.
  • Gently and thoroughly rinse off with clean (and plain) water.
  • Use a clean tissue to gently pat the area dry. Do not use a towel as this can irate the holes or get stuck on the jewelry and cause infection.
2. Avoid touching your piercing as much as possible

This can cause infection, especially if you are touching your piercing with dirty hands. As well, playing with it will only slow down the healing process.

3. Do not remove the jewelry until the piercing has completely healed

Even though you may be tempted to change your jewelry, do not do so until the piercing has health complete, as this can cause infection and ruin all of your progress.

How To Change Your Jewelry In Your Septum Piercing

You will be able to tell that your septum piercing has fully healed once it is no longer sore and tender. Again, the average time is up to 2 months, but it depends on your body’s reaction to the piercing. Even though you may get bored with your jewelry after a week or two, you should not change it until your piercing has healed completely. The following are some steps on how to change your piercing in your septum.

  • Always wash and clean your hands before changing any piercing.
  • If your piercing is being held in place with balls, unscrew one and slide it out.
  • Disinfect the area with antibacterial soap. As well, clean the new piece of jewelry and dry with a clean tissue.
  • Line up the bar, etc with the hole and then push it through cleanly.

If you are uncertain as to how to change your septum piercing, it is perfectly acceptable to back to the place where you had it priced and have them show you how to do so. With any piercing, your septum piercing will close up if you leave out your jewelry for a certain amount of time. The longer you have the piercing, the longer it will take to heal.


FAQ: Septum Piercing

How long does a septum piercing take to heal?

Is there a risk of hitting a nerve during the piercing?

Can I flip up my septum piercing for work or school?