It goes without saying that brows play a vital role in framing your face. So, it comes as no surprise that microblading does not lose its popularity. This cosmetic procedure mimics hairs so well that your brows look natural as a result. And who would not want to have perfectly defined full eyebrows that do not require regular filling in or styling? To give you a complete insight into the process, we have prepared this informative guide.


Eyebrow microblading can be a woman's friend that will add expression to your gaze, character to your face, and sometimes hide imperfections. In addition, it allows you to save time in the morning, which, as everyone knows, is very valuable. However, before you decide on the microblading treatment, it is a good idea to learn about its process and history.

What Is Microblading?

What Is Microblading?
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So, what is microblading? This is one of the methods of eyebrow permanent makeup. It is also often called the eyebrow feather method or haircut method. Microblading is a very precise treatment that guarantees the effect of perfect, thickened, healthy, and natural brow hair on a certain area of skin. It consists in manually drawing hairs on the skin. The pigment is introduced with a blade into the spinous layer of the epidermis. Microblading perfectly imitates real hair, giving the eyebrows density and definition. Thanks to this, it hides beauty flaws, such as inconvenient eye shape, eyebrow asymmetry, scars, etc. One of its main benefits is longevity. But is microblading permanent? Not really. It is rather semi permanent, as the ink still fades out over time. So, how long does microblading last? On average, you can expect the effect to last up to two years, which is still quite an impressive lifespan.


How Does The Microblading Process Work?

How Does The Microblading Process Work?
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Now that you know what is microblading eyebrows, it also makes sense to learn how it is done. At the beginning of the treatment, the linergist (the person dealing with permanent makeup) determines the shape and color of the eyebrows with you. During the consultation, a detailed interview is carried out to define possible contraindications.

The next step of the microblading process is to make a preliminary drawing. The drawing is intended to reflect the shape you will get as a result of the pigmentation treatment. Thanks to it, the linergist can create symmetrical eyebrows, correct their form, width, and length, and individually choose the shape that matches your facial features.

The Process of Eyebrow Microblading is Explained
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As soon as the preliminary drawing is made and you approve it, anesthesia is applied to the treatment area (it can also be applied before the preliminary drawing). Ointment anesthesia is not always used. After waiting for about 15 minutes and washing off the anesthesia, the linergist starts the procedure using a pen and sterile blades, consisting of 7-9 or even 14 needles arranged in multiple sequences.

After the eyebrows microblading treatment, swelling and irritation may appear – it is an individual matter. This is a natural reaction and symptoms go away quickly. On the following day after the procedure, you can confidently show yourself at work if you are not disturbed by the intense color of the pigmented areas. In 3-4 weeks after the treatment, the initial color fades by 20-40%. Therefore, don't worry about going out with darker eyebrows. The final result before and after microblading will be visible in 4 weeks.

Microblading Healing Process

Microblading Healing Process
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Compliance with microblading aftercare recommendations is an important part of the procedure. If you want the outcome to be satisfactory after healing, take care of the brow microblading site as requested by the linergist. The intensive microblading healing period is the first 3-7 days. So, you should focus on a darker makeup color during this period. Within a week at most, the scaly skin will be removed, and the color will become lighter. The actual effect will be visible in 30 days. Until then, the color stabilizes. For a full effect, the treatment should consist of two sessions. The complementary treatment should be performed not earlier than 4 weeks after the first session, but not later than 8 weeks after it as well. The overall microblading healing process may last anywhere between 25 and 30 days.

Compliance with microblading aftercare recommendations is an important part of the procedure. If you want the outcome to be satisfactory after healing, take care of the brow microblading site as requested by the linergist. The intensive microblading healing period is the first 3-7 days. So, you should focus on a darker makeup color during this period. Within a week at most, the scaly skin will be removed, and the color will become lighter. The actual effect will be visible in 30 days. Until then, the color stabilizes. For a full effect, the treatment should consist of two sessions. The complementary treatment should be performed not earlier than 4 weeks after the first session, but not later than 8 weeks after it as well. The overall microblading healing process may last anywhere between 25 and 30 days.