Red nails designs are extremely popular, but why? Truly, ask any lady about the ideal nail lacquer for her manicure. And as you might guess, she would answer red even though today there is a huge number of hues available. Stylists point out that the red shade is universal. Plus, this seductive shade attracts the attention and makes you look sexier and more self-confident. The power of red is extraordinary. And to feel that power, you should definitely opt for red nail art next time you go to your nail artist. And in the meantime, catch some inspo from our collection.


Hot Red Nail Designs with Accent Nails

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Look at all these pics, nails look so hot and sexy! Choose the design that you like the most or just combine different designs and make your nails unforgettable.


Red Nails With Ombre

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Ombre has become trendy in everything, including nail art. These ombre nail designs are absolutely lovely. And you can sport ombre on all of your nails or just on your accent nails. The choice is yours!

Half Moon Design For Red Nails

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The half moon design will instantly give an upgrade to the red nail lacquer. Such manicure is often sported by celebrities and models who present new collections on catwalks. Add some glitter or rhinestones to make such manicure pop even more.


Matte Red Nails For A Classy Look

Red Matte Nail Design With Striped Art
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Mix Red Nail Design With Gold Crystals
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Patterned Red Nail Design
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Painting your nails matte red will definitely take your nail game to a completely different level. The matte effect can be achieved with either matte finish or matte nail lacquer. Luckily, nail care corporations make the choice wide for us fashionistas.

Bright Glitter Red Nails Designs

Easy Glitter Red Nails Design
Glitter Ombre Red Nails
Red Nails with Gold Glitter
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Add some glitter accents to your nail art for your manicure to become especially jazzy and glammed up. In a combination with reds, glitter appears even more festive than it actually is. Do you believe in fairy-tales? Maybe it’s time to start.


Christmas Red Nails For A Holiday Party

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Red shades are common guests in Christmas acrylic nails. Just add some holiday elements to your bright red manicure and voila, you are in the Christmas mode already. Candies, snowflakes, patterns that are commonly seen on sweaters, Christmas trees, pick anything you like.

Easy Designs for Red Nails

Red French Maniqure Design
Red Nails with Silver Foil
Red Nails with Patterns

We hope that you like these nail art ideas in red hues. Remember that red is always a winning option.

FAQ: Red Nails

What does red nail polish mean?

Red nail polish resembles confidence, passion, boldness. It is a color that draws attention to a person wearing it. Go for brighter red with warm undertones paired with red lipstick for especially stunning look. Opt for darker, deeper reds to create a calmer, more righteous image.

Do red nails make you look older?

Nail polishes with cool undertones draw attention to the veins therefore making your hands appear older. The best option for younger-looking hands would be choosing red nail polish with warm hues like coral, orange, peach.