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Ink and Whiskers: 73 Adorable Cat Tattoos and Their Meanings
Cat tattoos are super different and fun and we love that about them. So many variations and options that you can choose, but before, we believe it is better to know what meaning they carry. Don`t you agree? History and meaning behind cats and their symbolism are here to amaze you.

Tattoo Placement 101: Tips, Tricks, and Considerations
We have some excellent tattoo placement ideas for you that you will definitely love. Also, we have gathered some secrets that may make the choosing of a tattoo placement much easier for you. Secrets how to make the process more comfortable and tricks on how to make sure you`ve made the right choice.

Most Popular Tattoo Ideas And The Origins Of Tattoo Art
We have a photo gallery featuring cool and meaningful tattoo ideas. And in case you are curious, discover the brief history of tattoo art, as well. When picking a tattoo, try to go for the design that is true to you. Maybe it will be something that will convey your true nature, desires, triumphs, or passions.