Our "Countries of the World quiz will show if you can navigate the globe without a map!

Our world is a vibrant mixture of locations, histories, and cultures. From the snowy peaks of the Alpes to the never-ending horizons of the Sahara desert and picturesque rainforest, so vast and diverse it is. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or merely a novice – the chances are that you want to tickle your nerves and test your geographic experience. Don't limit your fun to the sheer European countries quiz – take a swing around the whole world with this "Countries of the World" quiz!


Win or Lose Our Countries of the World Quiz!

Countries of the World Quiz

Countries of the World Quiz

How well do you know the world? Answer these 25 questions to find out!

1 / 25

1. What is the most populated country in the world (as of 2024)?

2 / 25

2. Which country is shaped like a boot?

Which country is shaped like a boot?

3 / 25

3. What is the capital of Argentina?

What is the capital of Argentina?

4 / 25

4. In which country would you find the ancient city of Petra?

In which country would you find the ancient city of Petra?

5 / 25

5. Which African country has the largest population?

6 / 25

6. Which country is home to the Great Barrier Reef?

Which country is home to the Great Barrier Reef?

7 / 25

7. What country has the longest coastline in the world?

8 / 25

8. What country is home to the world's oldest monarchy?

What country is home to the world's oldest monarchy?

9 / 25

9. What country is known for the Taj Mahal?

What country is known for the Taj Mahal?

10 / 25

10. What is the only country with three capitals?

11 / 25

11. What is the most spoken language in the world?

What is the most spoken language in the world?

12 / 25

12. Which European country has the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites?

13 / 25

13. What is the only country that is also a continent?

14 / 25

14. The city of Istanbul is in which country?

15 / 25

15. Mount Everest is located in which two countries?

Mount Everest is located in which two countries?

16 / 25

16. Which country has a maple leaf on its flag?

17 / 25

17. Which two countries share the longest international border?

18 / 25

18. Which country has the most islands?

19 / 25

19. What is the only country with a non-quadrilateral flag?

20 / 25

20. What country is home to the Amazon Rainforest?

What country is home to the Amazon Rainforest?

21 / 25

21. Which country is famous for the Eiffel Tower?

22 / 25

22. What is the official language of Brazil?

What is the official language of Brazil?

23 / 25

23. Which continent has the most countries?

Which continent has the most countries?

24 / 25

24. What is the capital of Japan?

What is the capital of Japan?

25 / 25

25. What is the smallest country in the world?

What is the smallest country in the world?

Your score is

Did you ace this "Countries of the World" quiz or encounter something new and unknown? In either case, the world lies in front of you, and you shouldn't miss an opportunity to explore and rediscover!

Win or Lose Our Countries of the World Quiz!